Angela Nick, Director

Crystal Manuel, Manager

611 Wildcat Dr.
Winona, TX 75792
(903) 939-4891

Breakfast and Lunch is FREE to all Students. Breakfast starts at 7:30 a.m. and is over at 8 a.m. Check your students schedule for there lunch time








Check your child's cafeteria account with Lunch Money Now:

Enter the appropriate identifying information for the account (all three fields are required).

Click Get Balance to see that student's balance. From the balance display screen the following actions may be performed:

  • Click Search Another to return to the main entry screen and find another student.

  • Click View Cart to view deposits made in the current session in the shopping cart. [Deposits to multiple accounts and/or multiple types (if enabled) may be made on a single credit card transaction. If cookies are not enabled, only a single deposit will be allowed.]

  • Click View Recent Purchases (if enabled) to view itemized purchases made recently on the account.

  • Enter an amount in the Deposit Amount field and click Add to Cart to deposit money for that student. [Select a Deposit Type in the drop-down (if enabled) to specify the purpose of the deposit].

From the view cart display screen [reached by pressing View Cart or Add to Cart] the following actions may be performed:

  • Click Search Another to return to the main entry screen and find another student.

  • Click Empty Cart to remove all deposits from the shopping cart.

  • Click Check Out to begin processing credit card data at our secure site. After clicking Process, be sure to return to the Lunch Money Now - Confirmation screen. If you receive a warning that you are being redirected to a connection that is not secure, you must click Yes to continue and receive the confirmation. No secure financial data is leaving the site, your order number is simply being returned to complete your transaction.

When finished, click Sign Off [or manually close your browser] to disconnect from your Lunch Money Now session. [Shopping cart data - no credit card information - is retained in a session cookie that is removed upon closing the browser.] 

Thank you for using Lunch Money Now!
