August 21, 2020
We’re thrilled to announce Winona
Independent School District’s new app! It’s everything
Winona ISD, in your pocket.
With the new app, you can access sports scores, cafet...

August 18, 2020
If your child will be riding the bus this 2020/2021 school year, please read over our important guidelines to help ensure that everyone remains healthy and safe.

August 7, 2020
As a school district, Winona ISD looks forward to welcoming students back to school on August 19. Despite the challenges with COVID-19, our district will continue to provide an ex...

August 7, 2020
Winona ISD Parents ,
As a school district, Winona ISD looks forward to welcoming students back to school on August 19. Despite the challenges with COVID-19, our district will...

July 16, 2020
On June 15, 2020, the Winona ISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously to appoint Connie Gibbs as the newest school board member. Mrs. Gibbs fills the Seat 4 vacancy on the board af...

July 16, 2020
UPDATE****NEW WISD STUDENTS! Head on over to the following link for online registration!https://skyward.iscorp.com/WinonaTXStuSTS/NewStudentEnrollment/NewGuardianLoginRequest