This is a reminder that our Wildcat Strong Fathers will meet tomorrow night from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. in the cafeteria at the elementary campus for math night. We hope to you our Wildcats there!
9 months ago, Steven Young
We are excited to have our Wildcats to host our Strong Fathers this Thursday night at 6 p.m. in the cafeteria. Please make plans to join our kids as we help them grow in math. Estamos emocionados de tener a nuestros Wildcats como anfitriones de nuestros Padres Fuertes este jueves por la noche a las 6 p.m. en la cafeteria. Haga planes para unirse a nuestros niños mientras los ayudamos a crecer en matemáticas.
10 months ago, Steven Young
sf sp
WES is happy to invite our Strong Fathers to math night this Thursday night, January 11th from 6pm-8pm. WES se complace en invitar a nuestros Padres Fuertes a la noche de matemáticas este jueves 11 de enero por la noche de 6 p.m. a 8 p.m.
10 months ago, Steven Young
What a great celebration our Elementary students have had. Please be sure that arrangements are made to receive our Wildcats at 12 p.m. for dismissal. If your student is a bus rider, please make sure you are in place as well.
10 months ago, Steven Young
Winona Elementary School would like to wish you and your family a restful winter break. Student will release tomorrow at 12 p.m. Students that are bus riders will need someone home to receive them at 12 p.m. Thanks for a great start of the year!
10 months ago, Steven Young
Christmas Break will commence at noon on Wednesday, 12/20, and conclude on 1/7/24. During this time, we encourage everyone to recharge, embrace the spirit of the holidays, and create lasting memories. We wish you all a joyful and restful Christmas Break. May it be filled with laughter, love, and the magic of the season. Mr. D. Miller
10 months ago, Damenion Miller
ornament WISD
Our 2nd Grade Wildcats would like to invite you to their performance, "A Bugz Christmas" is tonight in the High School auditorium at 6:30 p.m..
11 months ago, Steven Young
Our 2nd Grade Wildcats would like to invite you to their performance, "A Bugz Christmas". Their performance will be held in the High School auditorium at 6:30 p.m. this Tuesday.
11 months ago, Steven Young
You and your family are invited to our PTO sponsored FALLFEST from 5-7 p.m. Ticket sales will be available at the back entrance to the campus.
11 months ago, Steven Young
As our WES WILDCATS end a great week, our PTO invites you to our FALLFEST Thursday November 16th from 5-7 p.m. Please enter at the back of the campus. Shirts will be available to purchase.
11 months ago, Steven Young
WES Wildcats invite your family and friends to be a part of the this exciting week. Tuesday November 14th our 4th graders are performing at 6:30 p.m. in the WHS auditorium. Thursday November 16th our PTO is hosting our Fallfest for all families from 5 pm-7 pm at our WES campus (enter from the back of the campus). Thanks for your ongoing support and always spreading the word about the great things our Wildcat family does together!
11 months ago, Steven Young
Save the date.....WES WILDCAT PTO FALLFEST 11/16 @ 5p.m. -7p.m
12 months ago, Steven Young
Our Winona Elementary School 1st graders and 5th graders will participate in our Disttict Veterans Day Celebration in the WHS Gym at 10 a.m. Friday November 10th. We are inviting our Veterans to be recognized. Nuestros estudiantes de 1er y 5to grado de la Escuela Primaria Winona participarán en la celebración del Día de los Veteranos del distrito en el gimnasio de WHS a las 10 am el viernes 10 de noviembre. Estamos invitando a nuestros Veteranos a ser reconocidos.
12 months ago, Steven Young
Tuesday November 7th is a great day for our WES Wildcat family. You have a chance to vote in the middle school gym and attend a 3rd grade musical entitled "HATS!" at 6:30 p.m. at the high school. We look forward to seeing you soon!
12 months ago, Steven Young
Don't be late! Clocks officially fall back at 2 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 5, 2023.
12 months ago, Damenion Miller
clock back
WES Wildcats from grades 3-5 are planning to attend the pep rally at the high school today. We will have our PEP RALLY DISMISSAL from the high school and grades k-2 will have normal dismissal. If it rains, we will inform that we are not attending.
12 months ago, Mr. Young
WES Wildcats are excited to have our dads on campus Friday October 27th from 7:30-9:30. We will see you soon.....
12 months ago, Mr. Young
Hello WES Wildcat Family! This is a reminder that our Strong Fathers Day is Friday from 7:30- 9:30. Dads will be allowed to walk students to class. We will meet with all dads after morning announcements around 8:15 in the cafeteria. We look forward to seeing our dads this Friday morning!
12 months ago, Mr. Young
Bring Your Dad to School ( Strong Fathers)---7:30-9:30 PK/HS & K Storybook Parade----8:30 Trae a tu papá a la escuela (padres fuertes) --- 7:30-9:30 Desfile de libros de cuentos de PK/HS y K----8:30
12 months ago, Mr. Young
Due to an overlap in scheduling, we will not be able to accomodate guest to our Storybook Parade this Friday at 8:30. This event is only for students. We apologize for any inconvenience; however, we thank you in advance as we look forward to this exciting week for our WES Wildcats! Debido a una superposición en la programación, no podremos acomodar invitados a nuestro Desfile de Libros de Cuentos este viernes a las 8:30. Este evento es sólo para estudiantes. Nos disculpamos por cualquier inconveniente; sin embargo, ¡le agradecemos de antemano mientras esperamos esta emocionante semana para nuestros WES Wildcats!
12 months ago, Mr. Young